Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Work, Work, Knit, Work, Work, Knit

This past weekend has been a trial on my sanity. As a parent, as a wife, as a sister, and as a working class woman. My daughter decided to find all the food coloring and markers and draw and "paint" all my floors, my walls, and my cat. That was fun to clean up. Thank God for Clorox wipes! They get up everything! And what they can't, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers can.

Now, my husband has been working on our vehicles recently. Both have had problems with the cooling systems. It's been a real hassle. We've had to borrow one vehicle from his parents and one from mine in order to get back and forth to work on time and get our daughter hauled around. Anyway, he's been working on them almost nonstop for three days and he's been a bit... peevish since then. He hasn't been totally on board with helping me with the baby. He's got a diaper aversion, recently. Which I can't really blame him for, because they STINK! But still, it's annoying.

Then there's my siblings. My sister volunteers me to play driving Ms. Daisy for my nephew when I'm supposed to be working. And then my brother gets confused. And his wife is on bedrest with a very difficult pregnancy is asking me when I'm going to get there to get her son. It was fabulous. All for a birthday party which I didn't even get to attend. Because I was working. And they know my schedule. It never changes. *sighs*

And now, at work, every single customer I deal with has been a pain in my booty. Always yelling and complaining at me because they can't keep a legal contract agreement that they READ THROUGH AND SIGNED! Oh well, it's not my problem. But really, if someone is calling you, be kind. They are a person with a life, feelings, and a family. Unless they are rude with you, you should endeavor to be nice. It's common courtesy.

And in between all these glorious things, I've found time to knit! It's amazing! I've been working on and have just finished the left mitten of this pattern. And here's the finished picture. Of the left mitten. Hehe... -_-

Tell me what you think! And all the credit goes to the crazyknittinglady! Thanks, guys!

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